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How Hot Is Too Hot To Walk Your Dog?

With the summer here and the hot temperatures increasing more and more, you it’s imperative that take precautions to keep your dog safe. One of the main problems is that dogs just don't sweat in the way humans do, no matter how hot it is. It is because of this that dogs will struggle to maintain a cool body temperature in extreme or prolonged exposure to heat. Whenever your dog is hot, he will tend to drink more cool fluids or to simply take a nap in the shade during the hottest periods during the day.

But how can you tell if it is too hot for your dog to take a walk?

One of the things you need to consider is the pavement during the walk. Huh? Yes, listen up! You need to remember that the pavement is usually in direct contact with your dog’s paws! The pavement retains heat! This can cause severe burns that take much time to heal not to mention the fact that it hurts!. So, even if you live in geographic locations where you will experience one of the hottest summers in the world, you can still take a walk with your dog. However, you MUST proceed with extreme caution.

- Make sure that your walks are only done early in the morning or very late in the evening.

- If the temperature is above 90 degrees, your best choice is not to walk your dog that day.

- If you have the option, choosing a path where you go through grass, for example, instead of pavement, will be great for your dog


One of the worst things that can happen to your dog when it is too hot is a heatstroke. And the problem is that it can take as little as 20 minutes. High temperatures can cause a lot of damages to your dog's body. From their brain to the liver, from the blood clotting to the lungs.

So, in case you think your dog might be suffering from heatstroke, you should take him to the veterinary immediately. The first symptoms usually include bright red gums, lethargy or loss of balance, seizure, excessive drooling, diarrhea and/or vomiting, loss of consciousness, or sadly, sudden death.

What can you do when it is too hot outside to walk your dog?

There are plenty of things to do and your dog will like all of them. Here are some suggestions:

- You can shorten the walks even though you should take them early in the morning or late in the evening.

- You can play for a short time on the grass, especially if it is in areas of shade or out of direct sun light..

- You can play at the pool.

- You can play some indoors games! Indoor games are great to exercise both the body and mind of your dog. Boosting brain power can be just as exhausting as physical play, you know.

Remember to enjoy the great summer days with your dog! . However, make sure that he is always comfortable and that he always have some fresh water near him and you always consider how the heat is impacting him.

There will be days that you need to leave him home. In case you notice any odd behavior, the best thing you can and should do is to call your veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

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